Saturday, June 7, 2008

Kid's Club Nights

What an unbelievable time we had last year with the advent of Moving Forward Rentals Kid's Club!!!

As most of your know in New Jersey, unfortunately, you must be 16 years of age or older to ride a Segway on the public streets and sidewalks. After several kid's came to the store dying to try the Segway, we decided to offer private sessions in our store (private property). The children loved it!!! With that excitement grew an idea. The Moving Forward Rentals Kid's Club. Where kid's can have as much fun on the Segway, as the adults can.

We purchased a prize wheel and some prizes, thought up some amazing games, figured out a scoring system, and started the music. Parents and kids alike would fill the store rooting and cheering the entire night. At the end of the half hour session the child with the most points gets to spin the wheel and see what prize they have won. Though, competition in certainly not the focus of the evening... extreme fun is.
The games we play all vary but with one common factor, you are on The Incredibly Awesome Segway the entire time! Games include various Segway obstacle courses, Segway Says, Musical Segways, and the Big Hit... Segway Soccer.
What games can you think up? Remember the focus is on agility and control. Please leave your thoughts and ideas here. We know the Moving Forward Rentals Kid's Club is an event that will be around for years to come. Thank you for making it a huge success!
All children ages 10 and up are welcome to participate. Time slots fill fast so make your reservation today.

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